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    What's the matter with the diesel engine always stalling?

    2021-11-15 | Pageviews: CHANGZHOU FOAN M AND E CORPORATION
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    The reasons for the old flameout of diesel engine are as follows: 

    1. Excessive carbon deposition leads to lower than normal engine oil and insufficient lubrication; 

    2. The resistance value of crankshaft position sensor is abnormal; 

    3. Ignition system failure, ignition module overheating and abnormal operation; 

    4. The throttle signal voltage is not correct. The role of the engine is to provide power for the car. It is the heart of the car and determines the power, economy, stability and environmental protection of the car. According to different power sources, engines can be divided into diesel engine, gasoline engine, electric vehicle motor and hybrid power. Common gasoline engine and diesel engine belong to reciprocating piston internal combustion engine, which converts the chemical energy of fuel into the mechanical energy of piston movement and outputs power to the outside.

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