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    Global trade in services has picked up steadily in the near future

    2021-04-06 | Pageviews: CHANGZHOU FOAN M AND E CORPORATION
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    China News Agency, Nur Sudan, April 5 (reporter Zhang Shuo) - the latest economic development forecast of Central Asian countries was released recently. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is emerging from Central Asian economies and is gradually recovering from the outbreak.

    The forecast is made by the world bank and Eurasia Development Bank after evaluating the economies of Central Asian countries. Among them, the world bank will increase the economic growth of Kazakhstan, the largest economy in Central Asia, from 2.5% to 3.2% in 2021, and the growth rate will reach 3.5% in 2022. In response, the Eurasian Development Bank said that the country's economy is ushering in a "rapid recovery period", with economic growth expected to reach 4% this year and 4.5% and 5.1% in the next two years.

    In Uzbekistan, the second largest economy in the region, the World Bank expects its GDP growth to reach 4.8% this year and 5.5% in 2022. At the same time, the proportion of national debt to GDP is expected to reach 42% this year.

    In addition, the world bank predicts that Kyrgyzstan, which will see a 8.6 per cent drop in GDP in 2020, will see a 3.9 per cent increase this year. But affected by the decline of residents' income and high inflation, the poverty rate of residents will rise by 4 percentage points to 35%. The data show that the poverty rate of Kyrgyzstan will rise from 20.1% to about 31% in 2020 affected by the epidemic.

    Tajikistan has the lowest per capita GDP in Central Asia, about US $800. The Eurasian Development Bank predicts that Tajikistan's economy will maintain rapid growth in recent years, with an economic growth rate of 6.1% in 2021.

    In Turkmenistan, GDP grew by 5.9% in the first three months of this year, according to the government. The world bank predicts that the country's economy will grow by 4% in 2021.

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