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    "Follow the cooperative to grow grain, we can rest assured"

    2020-08-31 | Pageviews: CHANGZHOU FOAN M AND E CORPORATION
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    The paddy fields in Shuangxing village, Huachuan County, Heilongjiang Province, are full of green and full of vitality. "Judging from the growth, there are 162 grains of rice in one plant, and the harvest is good this year." Li Yucheng, chairman of Yucheng modern agricultural machinery cooperative, is full of confidence.

    Where is the foundation? In 2015, Li Yucheng took the lead to set up the cooperative. At that time, there were only 89 members and 5472 mu of land. Unified management, standardized farming, group development, in five years, the number of members has increased to 303, and the area of land circulation has reached 13000 mu. After years of hard work, Li Yucheng recognized a way to increase income: "scale brings benefits. If we cooperate, we can do what we can't do and what is not worth doing. "

    Good grain comes first with good soil. "Only when the land is strong can we grow good rice!" Wei Shaosheng, a farmer in Shuangxing village, said that in the past, when one family planted grain, he thought that only by applying large amount of fertilizer and water could the yield increase be guaranteed. As a result, the fertile black land became thinner and thinner. Joining the cooperative, reducing weight and medicine, deep ploughing and deep loosening not only thickens the black soil layer, but also saves more than 2000 yuan of cost in a row of land, "the soil is fat and the seedlings are strong, and the cooperation is really good!"

    In order to grow high-quality rice, the cooperative did not pay little attention. In winter, sheep dung and cow dung are specially drawn from other places and evenly spread in the field to increase nutrition for the land. In summer, put duck fry and fish fry in rice field. It can not only remove pests, but also supplement organic fertilizer. Ducks and small fish swim back and forth in the paddy field, which can promote the growth of rice and do more with one stone.

    A good grain needs a good seed. "In the past, I used to plant my own land, and I always planted it when I saw which one was good. If you want to change varieties, you are worried about not only inexperience, but also production delay. " Wei Shaosheng said, "it's like planting grain in cooperatives now. Try planting more than a dozen varieties, and choose which one is better."

    Li Yucheng introduced that the cooperative has joined the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences since 2018 and asked experts to help select varieties suitable for local planting. This year, the cooperatives planted 4000 mu of "Daohuaxiang" and 5000 mu of "Longjing 31", and the rest planted glutinous rice which has been popular in recent years. "Just after the new year, we ordered seeds and fertilizer, and there was no delay in farming."

    Not only good varieties, but also new machines have been put into the field. A cooperative, equipped with 500 mechanized nursery awesome greenhouses, 230 sets of "big iron cattle", potted body planting and mulching, and other new technologies, to give Li Yucheng a good harvest. "This year," Long Jing 31 "mu yield is expected to reach 1200 Jin, and" rice flower fragrance "can also hit 900 catties.

    The better the grain, the better the sale. "I was worried, what should I do if I could not sell such a large quantity. Keep the quality control, good rice will not worry about selling. " Li Yucheng said that this year, the cooperative signed 3000 mu orders with the local Fuhua company and 7000 Mu orders with the Huayu grain and oil company in the county. The rice without an order can also win the title of Huachuan County public brand "spark rice" to enter the market. "Customers in Beijing and Shanghai are well connected, and the new rice will be delivered."

    The market is not worried, and the price is guaranteed. "Glutinous rice is now two yuan and six yuan a kilo, and the worst one ton of rice can be sold for 3000 yuan. A lot of land is 24000 yuan, and the income of members is guaranteed." Li Yucheng said that from last year's income situation, the minimum land guarantee plus dividends per household ranged from 3000 to 5000 yuan. "Rice does not worry about selling, and at the end of the year, we can still get dividends. We can grow grain with the cooperative, so we can rest assured." Wei Shaosheng said.

    What else can grow in rice fields? The cooperative continued to tap its potential. The year before last, the cooperative and Huayu grain and Oil Co., Ltd. jointly invested 4 million yuan to build a biomass energy fuel project with an annual output of 200000 tons. Li Yucheng said, "don't underestimate this straw. The net profit per ton is more than 20 yuan. With such a large amount of straw in our land every year, the profit margin is not small."

    At present, the cooperative's organic biological fertilizer plant has been completed and put into operation, and the source of green fertilizer for rice planting is more guaranteed. In addition, the newly built 40000 square meter processing plant can refine rice bran oil, oryzanol, etc. from the rice, so that the income from rice planting can be further improved. "With the green industry, we can certainly lead the villagers to live a better life." Li Yucheng said.

    Looking at the whole country, more and more new-type subjects like Yucheng modern agricultural machinery cooperatives are raising the beam of food security. By the end of June this year, the number of farmer cooperatives in China has exceeded 2.2 million, and there are more than 1 million family farms, radiating nearly half of the country's farmers. More than 200000 social service organizations provide farmers with agricultural machinery operation, pest control and other production trusteeship services. In the first half of this year, the area of grain and other staple crops was about 900 million mu, an increase of 25% year-on-year. With the rapid development of new business entities, the "ballast stone" of food security has become more and more solid.

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