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    Li Weiguo: improve the quality of agricultural development focus on four aspects

    2017-04-17 | Pageviews: CHANGZHOU FOAN M AND E CORPORATION
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                After years of efforts, China's agriculture has developed to a new stage, which also led to a series of problems, such as environmental pressures, increased resource pressures, weak competitiveness of agricultural products and other issues. One of the more prominent problem is the shortage of agricultural labor. With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of rural labor transfer to the two or three industry. According to statistics, nearly ten years the first industrial labor force net outflow of about 100 million, an annual average of around 10 million, although the future may slow down, but millions of out of the labor force from rural areas will continue.
              In the past few years in agricultural production, frequent regional, seasonal and structural labor shortage, resulting in "two aspects of the problem, one high and one low" is a high labor cost. According to the relevant statistics, the cost of agricultural production in China, the average labor costs accounted for 50%, while the United States and other developed countries accounted for only about 10%, so that our country and developed countries, such a large gap between the cost. Another is the low willingness of farmers to farm. Before, the agriculture minister Han Changfu put forward a point of view in an interview, the future farmers may become a sought after occupation, there are two premise to achieve this goal, one is to increase the income of the farmers, agricultural labor is two more decent. So who's going to land? How farming? This is an urgent problem to be solved in the future.
            It is an effective way to rely on the country's various subsidies to stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers, but now, these policies also appear marginal effect of decline or decline. In the face of the production cost of agricultural products, the floor and the price of the ceiling of the double squeeze, fight resources and put into the traditional planting mode has been difficult to sustain, the urgent need to change the mode of agricultural production.
            In the process of transformation of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization production will become increasingly important. The degree of mechanization will directly affect the cost of agricultural production and farmers' willingness to grow, affect the extensive application of advanced agricultural science and technology, and reduce the use of agricultural inputs. Therefore, agricultural mechanization is related to the adjustment of agricultural structure, the extension of industrial chain, and the promotion of the market competitiveness of agricultural products in china.


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