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    Argentina: No-tillage sowing achieves "Soybean Kingdom"

    2020-10-19 | Pageviews: CHANGZHOU FOAN M AND E CORPORATION
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    "Plowing and planting" has been China's main agricultural production method since ancient times. The traditional method of growing soybeans in Northeast my country is "turning the ground in autumn and raising ridges in spring". The former refers to the use of a plow or tractor to turn the entire plough layer over after harvesting and before freezing, and bury crop residues and grass seeds under the soil, which can loosen the soil deeply and prevent the grass from coming spring. The latter refers to plowing the ridge after thawing in spring, the height of the ridge is 20 cm, and the width of the ridge is 60-70 cm. After the ridge is formed, the soil is compacted and waited for sowing. The purpose of ridging is to facilitate the subsequent loosening and weeding operations, and the second is to increase the ground temperature.

    Argentina, on the other side of the world, is recognized by the world as one of the most competitive agricultural countries by virtue of a completely different farming method. As the third largest soybean producer in the world, Argentina has a soybean planting area of up to 20 million hectares and an average annual output of more than 50 million tons. The widespread application of sustainable agricultural planting techniques is an important reason for the high yield of soybeans in Argentina.

    As early as the late 1970s, Argentina began to promote no-till direct soy cultivation throughout the country. According to statistics, in 1978, about 25,000 hectares of arable land in Argentina adopted the no-tillage system, which was expanded to 4.4 million hectares in 1997. At present, 28 million hectares have been harvested using no-till methods for crops such as grains, oil crops, cotton, and rice.

    This method has changed the tradition of “farming the land first”. After the no-tillage planting method is adopted, the land is not plowed and the ground is covered with a layer of straw and weeds. The modified light planter carries a small plow and a small plow. The head pushes the straw layer apart, the depth of the plow is controlled to just touch the soil, and then the seeds are scattered into this layer of soil. Because this layer of soil is covered with straws and weeds for a long time, it is generally moist. In addition, it is rich in microorganisms and the soil is looser. The seeds germinate faster after being sowed, and it is easy to take root. After the seeds germinate, the stalks and weeds that were considered "cumbersome" in the past become a protective layer for the seedlings.

    This seemingly primitive method has the advantages of increased production, environmental protection, and cost reduction. No-tillage method can increase yield first. From the experience of Argentina, most of the farmland with no-tillage sowing method may have a slight decline in output in the first one or two years. However, the organic cover formed by the residue of straw on the ground will become thicker and the remaining straw will continue to rot. Continue to provide soil fertility, soil quality is getting better and better, and crop yields are also increasing year by year. Plowing quickly weathers the soil exposed to the sun, which is then washed away by rain or blown away by the wind, and this layer of soil is precisely the most fertile. The no-till method protects this fertile soil. Moreover, the no-tillage method also balances the soil microorganisms, and they complete the "cultivation task". Even small animals like earthworms can play a role. They loosen the soil, and the small holes drilled can help retain water.

    No-tillage method can reduce soil erosion and avoid land desertification. The residual layer of crops is at least 1 cm and there are many straws on it. This is a good protective layer, which can maintain soil moisture and reduce farmland irrigation. At the same time, no-tillage can also avoid the use of large energy-consuming tractors.

    Of course, the implementation of no-tillage method also has technical requirements, first of all, high-efficiency and low-harm herbicides are needed. "Direct planting is only the first step, and corresponding measures are needed." Maria Adris Giraudo, vice chairman of the Argentine No-Till Growers Federation, said that the mulch is rich in nutrients and easy to breed pests. Monitor pests and diseases in time. In addition, crop rotation and fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are needed to ensure the balance of soil nutrients. It is also important to adopt appropriate herbicides to remove weeds.

    The Argentine Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology has conducted a comparative experiment on no-tillage live broadcast for 20 years. The experimental report shows that compared with less tillage or deep tillage, no-tillage direct seeding can effectively increase soil organic carbon content and water content. If combined with corn rotation, the yield will increase by at least 30%.

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